Monday, September 10, 2012

Out-of-School Settings Create Climate for New skills

Out-of-classroom environments are becoming popular due to pressure mounts for students to improve their digital-learning and 21st-century skills.  Mobil gaming is being used to reinforce school lessons through learning labs where students are creating their own multimedia projects using digital tools.  These new environments have provided more leeway for young people to purse individual interests. YouMedia and HIVE Learning Networks have led the pack to see whether the strategies and spaces for leaning have an effect on the way children are educated, relate to others, and develop greater self-awareness.  Support has increased in the past six years targeting creative programs that get children more engaged and learning in new ways rather than simply tracing basic digital and media skills.  Global Kids' digital programs incorporate a range of curricula and tools.  Global Kids' programs are designed to make youth more aware and engaged citizens.   

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